As a growing number of international NGOs are using infographics, charts and interactive maps to share success andhighlight disaster, how can organisations with less resources create high […]
Excellent example of a map visualization, and background info about the design choices made. To find out more, visit the original site: A Map That Wasn’t […]
Researchers at IBM, using movement data collected from millions of cell-phone users in Ivory Coast in West Africa, have developed a new model for optimizing an […]
OSCity (Open Source City) combines the dutch spatial planning with the newest information technology. Through direct retrieval of geographic data, direct visualization and combination, it allows […]
(map initiated by Tiago Peixoto Participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget. Over […]
Checkmyschool helps citizens in the Phillippines access information, send feedback, and resolve issues on education services. To find out more, visit the original site: