About me

January 1, 2010


Welcome to my personal Blog. Here you can read about me, what keeps me busy and what inspires me. To give you an overview of what I’ve been doing over the last few years, I’ve selected a number of (blog)posts. Most have been posted on NABUUR before: consider them as ‘legacy crossposts’… highlights of what [...]
April 2, 2009

Sponsor run: we ran for Jinja again!

The same team that ran for Jinja in October 2007 did it again last Sunday! 12 kilometers on the Formula-1 race track and the beach of Zandvoort, the Netherlands.(link in Dutch) So far we’ve collected 550 EURO, and some more funds are still coming in. There are a few projects that Paul wants to spend [...]
March 6, 2009

Meet2Connect Kampala: Lots of people and lots of energy

35 local community representatives (28 from NABUUR villages), 500 business cards, 1 entertainment group and a welcoming venue made up for a successful Meet2Connect event in Kampala, Uganda on 21 February 2009. “I now have people to turn to directly, when I am facing challenges” “Two heads know more than one” The purpose of the [...]
October 10, 2007

Sponsor run – we made it!!

Preparation AND mental support made last Sunday’s run a success: 10 kilometers in 55 minutes, 20 seconds!! We made a short video of the event: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2XN29EIPrg&feature=player_embedded In the meantime we’ve gathered nearly 1000 euro. That’s enough for the shipment… and training a few people. Time to discuss priorities with Paul and BEHOD board Pelle and [...]